Valencia by 786 Cosmetics is inspired by the port city of Valencia, Spain and their famous, sweet Valencia oranges. Long daylight hours and mild winters produce their unique oranges. Valencia's Spanish Citrus Historical Museum or Museu de la Taronja was the only museum dedicated to oranges in the world.
Valencia [va-len-thee-uh] is a bold, orange nail polish color.
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Valencia by 786 Cosmetics is inspired by the port city of Valencia, Spain and their famous, sweet Valencia oranges. Long daylight hours and mild winters produce their unique oranges. Valencia's Spanish Citrus Historical Museum or Museu de la Taronja was the only museum dedicated to oranges in the world.
Valencia [va-len-thee-uh] is a bold, orange nail polish color.
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A Formula Made for All
- Wudu-friendly and approved, our innovative formula allows water permeation through osmosis, providing a solution for those seeking breathable and halal-certified nail products.
- Our nail polishes boast a 21-free, non-toxic, plant-based formula, ensuring a safe and eco-friendly beauty experience
- Express yourself freely with our nail polish, crafted to be inclusive and welcoming to individuals of all ethical and spiritual backgrounds