The tie dye concept goes way back to the 1960s when it became popular and made waves in the fashion industry. Unlike other trends, it wasn't short-lived. The tie dye trend is equally famous and stylish in 2021, just like it was back then.
One thing that might have changed is that instead of using the tie dye patterns on shirts alone, you can see it on almost everything. From shirts to skirts to kitchen napkins, shoes, scarves, and guess what, on nails too!
This blog is for all the nail art fanatics who want to know more about tie dye how to do nails at home. Summer is around the corner, and what's a better time to learn these tricks so you can make your tie dye nails pop all the bright colors?

Different Techniques of Doing Tie Dye Nails at Home
The best part about the process of tie dye nails is that they are quick to do. We mean faster than taking the appointment at a salon and then driving yourself there to get the nails done.
Wait, did we mention it's fun as well? Mixing the vibrant and vivid colors with the pastels to get the perfect tie dye pattern on the nails; it's all fun and games, honestly. Let's see the methods of tie dye, how to do nails at home.
Water-Based Method
The water method is pretty standard and very easy to conduct. All you have to do is take a bowl of water that allows you to dip the fingernails. Moreover, you will require to tape the sides of your skin to prevent any nail polish on the skin. Last but not least, any long-pointed tool like a toothpick to make patterns in the water; this bit is the exciting part.
Once you have a bowl filled with water, add drops of different nail polishes that fit your desired pattern. Once the nail colors have settled in the water, make patterns with the help of a toothpick and dip your nails one by one. Voila! There you have tie dye nails. Remove the duct tape from around the nails and finish the nail art with a topcoat.
Did we mention you need a base coat as well? Yes, you do require a base coat for the perfect salon-like tie dye nails. This method is ideal for tie dye nails at home without any specific tool.
A Toothpick Method
The most exciting part about the tie dye effect is that you hardly need anything but can flawlessly create a design or pattern on your nails.
If you cannot pick any nail color of your choice, then tie dye nails are all you need. This method will require you to put a base coat and then a solid base color.

Once done, you will paint multiple colors on nails and draw thick stripes. The following step is essential; take a toothpick and start creating swirls and other patterns you can think of to create a beautiful design on nails. There you are, with fantastic tie dye nails at home.
Glaze your nails with a top coat so keep them fresh and long-lasting.
Sponge Or a Brush Method
Tie dye nails how to do with a sponge at home? Let's be honest; we are no experts here sitting at home. But we want our nails to look like professional manicurists do them. Well, in that case, the sponge method of tie dye comes to the rescue.
You know the basic prepping routine for the nails by now. Applying the base coat, then base color, and taping the sides of the nails. These steps will remain the same despite choosing which tie dye how to do nails at home.
Specifically for the sponge or brush method, you will need to add a drop of color on your nails and either create a fading out effect with the brush or the sponge. Repeat the process with another color and continue doing so with every color you add.
For tie dye, it's excellent that you stick to two colors, but for extra colorful nails, go up to 3 nail colors. More colors than this will instead give a messy look. We recommend that you play safe; after all, the outcome will be neatly painted nails.
Who To Trust With The Nail Colors?
Not sure which nail colors will give a salon-like tie dye effect at home? Visit 786 Cosmetics, and you will be happy to find various collections and a range of colors to choose from.
At 786 Cosmetics, we have all the nail color essentials you need to create perfect nail art, for instance, base primers and top coats. You can benefit from buying the French Manicure Nail Polish Set with all the essentials for a French manicure and creating more nail art.

Are you looking for the best white shade out there? You can purchase Abu Dhabi. This classic white will be a suitable option for the base color to create the tie dye pattern.
Tie dye nails look equally good when topped with a clear or matte coat; you can find these options on the 786 Cosmetics website as well.
Coming to the actual nail colors now, you can find a range of hues and tones of nearly every color you want if you have a hard time deciding which color to order. We have simplified your problem by providing you the option of ordering the bundle of six colors. In that case, South Asia Nail Polish Set has a diversity of popping and fresh colors you need to create the tie dye patterns at home.
In The End
Tie dye how to do nails at home, after all, isn't that hard, won't you agree? It is almost summer, and it's the most fantastic time of the year to beat the heat with colorful outfits and summery nails.
Do your nails the way you like them! For more nail art inspiration, check out our Instagram and recreate those nail creations! Happy summer!
- Saba Khalil