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10 Important Tips for an Interview to Impress Your Hiring Manager

10 Important Tips for an Interview to Impress Your Hiring Manager

Job interviews can be incredibly challenging. Even when you are fully qualified for the position with the asked-for skill set and experience the job post warrants, you can never be sure what the hiring manager is looking for in the end.

As a job seeker, you may feel like you have no control over an interview. Fortunately, you can use a few tips and techniques to gain a bit of an advantage.

To make sure you don't miss out on an opportunity of a lifetime, read on for ten tried-and-tested tips for your future job interview:

1. Do Your Research

tips for an interview

Before coming in for an interview, you must do your due diligence about the company where you are applying.

Look them up online and read about their culture, goals, products, and services.

Internalize their mission statement, vision, and overall objectives—these intangibles will help you determine if this company culture fits you. Knowing these details will also help you calibrate your answers to be the ideal job candidate.

You can extend your research to the hiring manager by looking them up on professional networking sites. Their profile will help you understand what behavior and personality traits draw their attention.

2. Dress to Impress

tips for an interview

Make a good impression the moment you step into the interview room. A good impression entails wearing appropriate clothing.

A quick look at the company website may give you information on how their employees dress so that you can match them. But when in doubt, always choose professional attire that's well-fitting, crisp, and clean.

Practice good hygiene and come well-groomed by sprucing up your hairstyle and indulging in nail care.

3. Answer Questions Honestly

Your hiring manager will ask you many different questions to understand how you applied your skills in your previous job. Do not lie, overshare, or overstate your skills and accomplishments to make the cut. If you get hired, you may not deliver the desired results for the company.

Be as specific as possible with your answers. Describe the real challenges you have faced, how you used your skills to tackle them, and what you have achieved. Be upfront about why you think you are a good fit for the position.

4. Watch Your Nonverbal Cues

Your body language can work for you and against you. While your posture and facial expressions can portray your confidence and interest, they may also be clear indications of your nerves.

tips for an interview

To ensure your body language does not cost you a potential job, work on these cues:

  • Maintain eye contact. It is only respectful to do so, and it portrays self-confidence.
  • Smile. When you smile, you will appear easy to work with and friendly.
  • Sit upright. Excellent posture exudes confidence and will make you feel more like a leader.
  • Act engaged. It shows the interviewer that you care about what they're saying.
  • Connect with a firm handshake. It shows strength and assuredness.

5. Bring A Copy of Your Resume and Portfolio

tips for an interview

Make sure your resume shows that you are a good fit for a position before handing it over during the interview. Don't hesitate to bring it along if you have a portfolio that showcases your previous work and achievements. Doing so will show your interviewer that you are always prepared.

6. Show That You're Easy to Work With

Interviewers help hiring managers to assess whether a candidate's skill set, experience, and accomplishments make you a good fit for the company.

Show your hiring manager that you're easy to work with by being an attentive listener, asking appropriate and relevant questions, and giving thoughtful answers. Let your interviewer know that you're open to constructive feedback and look forward to opportunities that will expand your growth and skill set.

7. Be Precise About Why You Want the Job

tips for an interview

Researching the company before heading in for the interview will give you a good idea of its mission, values, and objectives. Draw from that knowledge to convey your interest in working there. Demonstrate that you're familiar with the role you're interviewing for, and explain why you want to be a part of the team.

Better yet, draft a personal mission statement. With intent to be hired, put your purpose into words and emphasize what values and skills you will bring to the company.

8. Ask Thoughtful Questions

As your interview wraps up, bring up questions to ask the hiring manager. Use this opportunity to ask high-value questions to show the interviewer that you have been engaged and invested in this position throughout your conversation.

Here are a few examples:

  • What does success look like in this position?
  • How would you describe the company culture? What does a regular day look like for the team?
  • What are some of the biggest challenges your workforce tackles regularly?

9. Be Yourself

A job interview is a fantastic opportunity to network within your industry and show off your skills and qualifications. While nervousness is perfectly natural, you must try your best to be as genuine and personable as possible.

Remember that your interviewer wants to get to know you. Try to relax and share your relevant experiences and interests that highlight your passion for the industry and why you will be an asset to their company.

10. Send a Thank-You Note

tips for an interview

Send a thank-you email after your interview to stand out from the crowd. Personalize it by focusing on the points you discussed. Extend your gratitude to the interviewer for giving you their time, effort, and attention.

This simple touch may give you an advantage over the other candidates. And most importantly, it's a kind, genuine gesture that your interviewer will appreciate.

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Author: Keren Dinkin

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