Wash your hands and Keep Your Nails Clean: Tips to Avoid the Coronavirus
Let’s avoid the Coronavirus while keeping our nails looking beautiful and healthy. If you’re anything like me I’ve definitely doubled and tripled the amount I’m washing my hands lately....
How to Make a Nail Kit
You can buy nail kits in stores, but where is the fun in that? Store bought nail kits have the bare minimum of what you want or need in a...
Nail Painting Tips and Tricks
It is really fun to go online and look at nail art pictures, but it's a little disappointing to try and do it yourself and have it come out a...
Give Yourself a Great Pedicure at Home With These Tips
Warm weather is here, sandal season has begun! You not only have to keep your fingernails in tiptop shape, now your toenails need the same attention. Below, you will find...
The Do’s and Don’ts for Healthy Nails
Having healthy nails is overlooked by most people. You may not even know your nails are unhealthy if you don’t know what to look for. Everyone loves a great manicure...
The Top Nail Polish Colors for Summer 2018
Summer is approaching, and it's time to cycle in nail polish colors for summer. Now is time to start wearing fun and fresh colors. These colors will match your excitement...
5 Nail Polish Colors for Work
Going to work shouldn't mean that you have to give up your style. However, some people skip wearing nail polish altogether because they aren't sure what colors will send the right...