25 Quotes for the New Year to Motivate You
It’s now 2019. When we start a new year we tend to always review the year we had previously. However, now that we are in a new year it’s not...
My Top 9 Tips For Applying Makeup
There are so many methods out there for applying makeup. Some people swear by their routines and others may not agree. What if I were to tell you that you...
How to Make a Nail Kit
You can buy nail kits in stores, but where is the fun in that? Store bought nail kits have the bare minimum of what you want or need in a...
How to Clean Your Makeup Brushes
Your makeup brushes are one of the most essential pieces in your beauty routine. Let's be honest, you probably don’t clean them as much as you are supposed to. That...
Nail Painting Tips and Tricks
It is really fun to go online and look at nail art pictures, but it's a little disappointing to try and do it yourself and have it come out a...
DIY Vegan Beauty Products You Can Make at Home
Beauty products can be expensive. If you want to buy vegan beauty products from the store you may have to drop a hefty penny. Also, the vegan beauty products in...
Give Yourself a Great Pedicure at Home With These Tips
Warm weather is here, sandal season has begun! You not only have to keep your fingernails in tiptop shape, now your toenails need the same attention. Below, you will find...